Well, I think we'll be seeing a lot of you on this Red Carpet in years to come. 好的,我认为我们会在未来几年的红地毯上常看到你。
As far as seeing details, horses are red color blind and have vision of20/ 33 ( compared to a perfect human vision of20/ 20) 至于要看细节的东西,马是红色盲,其视力为20/33(而正常人的视力为20/20)。
He says there is a lot of blue in white light. This explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters seeing red light or darkness. 他说,白光中含有很多蓝色的光,这很好地解释了为什么蓝光和白光下的仓鼠比红光或黑暗中的仓鼠更为抑郁。
Some of my foreign friends have said they felt uncomfortable seeing the red banners painted with words that have different, if not negative, connotations in their home countries. 我的一些外国朋友曾说,那些红色横幅上的字在他们的国家虽然不算有负面含义,但意义可以说是截然不同,他们看着就觉得不自在。
He loved seeing the world from above and was fulfilling a dream flying with the Red Arrows. 乔恩生前热爱从天上俯瞰世界,在红箭队驾驶飞机是在实现他的一个梦想。
So how come when what we are seeing is the colorless color of an apple, we see red? 所以,当我们看到的是苹果的无色的颜色时,我们是如何看到红色的?
There was the delight I caught in seeing long straight rows of red and green vegetables stretching away in the sun to the bright horizon. 当我看到一排排红的绿的蔬菜,在阳光下延伸得又直又长,直到闪耀的地平线上。
Watch out! That bull looks like he's seeing red. 小心,那头公牛看起来就要发狂了。
Maybe you're seeing red, because you're green with jealousy. 也许你发怒到火冒三丈(seeingred),因为你正妒火中烧(greenwithjealousy)。
SEEING Red in China, a blog by an American teacher there, makes a provocative argument. 一位美国老师,出于对于中国教育的愤怒,在博客上发表了一篇具有挑衅意味的文章。
Seeing red at the Caojiadu Flower Market, the biggest flower market in Shanghai, yesterday, where people were buying blooms for the Spring Festival. 昨日,在曹家渡花卉市场&上海最大的花卉市场,我们看到一片红色,在这里人们正在为过春节购买鲜花。
If you are angry, you are seeing red. 如果生气了,看看红颜色吧。
China may leave Western visitors feeling blue, seeing red or sunk in a black rage but few go home raving about how green the place is. 中国可能给西方旅游者留下或蓝、或红、或黑的印象,但是,很少有人在回家后会津津乐道地谈论当地有着多么浓烈的绿色。
The Contrast of Sense Between Chinese and English Color Terms Seeing red 汉英颜色词红色和RED的语义对比
Future studies need to clarify the role of approach motivation and avoidance motivation in the "anger as seeing red" metaphor and mental mechanisms of various metaphors. 未来的研究还需阐明红色-愤怒隐喻是否受趋近动机和回避动机的影响以及其他隐喻的心理机制。